ServiceInfo Module for configuration full disk encryption


This document specifies a Service-Info Module to be used for configuring Full-Disk Encryption (FDE) on the device filesystem, in this case using the Linux LUKS2 mechanism and binding the passphrase to Clevis.

The module name of this module during the TO2 protocol is org.fedoraiot.diskencryption-clevis.

Owner Onboard Server to Device

messageName Value Type Value/Message Meaning
disk-label tstr The filesystem/Device Mapper label of the disk
pin tstr The name of the Clevis PIN
config tstr The JSON-encoded configuration for Clevis
reencrypt bool Whether or not to re-encrypt the disk
execute null This message triggers the initiation of the re-encryption and binding procedures

Device to Owner Onboard Server

messageName Value Type Value/Message Meaning
disk-label tstr The filesystem/Device Mapper label of the disk
reencrypt-initiated bool Indicates whether a re-encrypt has been initiated
bound bool Indicates whether rebinding to the new Clevis PIN completed successfully